Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I know some people will think I'm crazy, but I'm always excited when there's a chance of seeing frost here.  It's not as common on the coast, but here are a few pictures from several fence posts between Sebastopol and Bodega Bay.

The frost crystals were very long, making these lichens look like miniature trees!

The next photo shows a variety of crystals that formed on a small clump of moss.

And one more, showing sparkling crystals on a crustose lichen.

All of these images were taken in a field next to a stream in a low-lying valley on 19 December 2012.

I think the last time we had snow was in 2005.  I still dream about sledding and snowball fights, but for now I'll thank Jack Frost for providing wonderful views of winter wonderlands.  (Now if only I could shrink down to walk among the tiny crystalline trees!)

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