Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thank you

It's hard to believe that it's been two years since I started this blog...and that I've been posting almost every day since!  When I consider how that's even possible, I think about you and how thankful I am for such a wonderful community of naturalist friends and colleagues and enthusiasts.

I'll admit that sometimes when I sit down to put together a blog post after dinner, I'm tired and I'm not sure I'll be able to pull it off.  But it's you that inspires me.  I know you're waiting, wondering what might come next, and that spurs me on.

So many of you have contributed to this blog in so many ways.  You've helped identify organisms that I couldn't.  You've asked questions about local plants or animals that forced me to delve deeper.  You've submitted comments or e-mails that made me laugh.  And have told me about resources to assist with my research.  You've written to say how much the pictures mean to you, how they've shown you a world you didn't know existed, or reminded you of a place that you love.

All of this encourages me, and all of this makes the blog so much better than if I was doing it by myself.  Together we've done great things, and for that I am truly thankful!

I would also be remiss if I didn't thank the organisms themselves, and the landscapes and seascapes of Bodega Head.  We're so lucky to live in such a beautiful and fascinating place!

Here's one of my favorite local marine snails.  It's called an Appleseed Erato (Hespererato vitellina, formerly Erato vitellina).  It's small, ~1 cm long — a wonderful reddish color, with a smooth, polished surface.  The last image will reveal the origin of the common name in the snail's likeness to an apple seed (kind of random, but I thought of it tonight because I'll be eating some apple pie tomorrow!).

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks to you, Jackie, for educating me and many others about the things that dive, flit, scuttle, bloom, and pad through this marvelous part of California.
