Sunday, March 16, 2014

Disheveled, but determined

This moth wasn't in the best condition when we found it washed up on Salmon Creek Beach on 14 March 2014:

But when Eric placed his hand nearby, the moth crawled right up onto his finger.  We're guessing it was looking for dryer land after a very rough time in the surf.

The moth's disheveled appearance doesn't do it justice.  Do you remember this species from last year?  It's a Deceptive Sallow Moth (Feralia deceptiva) one of the most striking moths I've encountered in this area:

To see more pictures and to learn a little more about Deceptive Sallow Moths, review the post from 17 March 2013.  Last year we observed it in Sebastopol, so this recent record marks the first time we've seen it in Bodega Bay.

A bit of green for St. Patrick's Day!

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