Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Okay, here you go...the audio file to match the lightning video. (If you can't see the audio file below, just click on the title of this post to access it on the website.)

Enjoy the thunder! 

P.S.  Since you were so patient, I've added a couple of bonus pictures.

It was still quite stormy this morning (3 December 2014), so I took a quick look at the ocean during a break in the rain.  Lots of seabirds were moving, including hundreds of Bonaparte's Gulls (first two images below) and small flocks of murrelets, with most appearing to be Ancient Murrelets (last two images below).

These pictures are a bit blurry because it was very windy at the time (~30 mph with gusts to 35) and the birds were pretty far out.  But I thought you'd still like to know about these "storm birds."

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