Sunday, May 15, 2016

Driftwood bowl

 14 May 2016


  1. I learn a lot about this favorite part of the world from these posts, but thanks to your curiosity and artist's eye, there are exquisite treasures like this shot. Leonard Cohen's line popped into my mind... 'with my heart the size of a begging bowl.' It's my birthday. So thanks.

  2. Happy Birthday, Linda!

    I'm so glad you appreciated the little driftwood bowl! I had been considering different pictures to post last night, and I wasn't sure if other people would like the little bowl, but I kept coming back to it, so eventually that's the one I decided to post.

    Enjoy the day!

  3. Annaliese! Well, that's appropriate, as the little driftwood bowl made me think of you! :)

  4. Cool photo, Jackie! I can't help but see tiny heads in the bubbles - it looks like they are looking out and curious about what's going on out there :)

    They are anxiously, yet respectfully taking their turns to check things out.
