Saturday, October 22, 2016

Taking a breath

I haven't shared a sound file in a while...but I ended up with a few recordings of whale spouts when we were on the boat trip on 9 October 2016.  So here you go[You might need to turn up the volume of your speakers.]

Sadly, I didn't keep track of which species of whales these are, but they're either Blue Whales or Humpback Whales.


  1. Wonderful recordings. You get to see whale spouts a lot more often that you get to hear (and smell) them.

    I am curious. What device do you use to record sounds?

  2. Hi, Dan!

    I've been using a small portable digital audio recorder -- I think it's a Sony PCM-M10. I chose this one after reading some of Bernie Krause's books about recording soundscapes. It's easy to use and produces great sound files -- at least for my purposes of sharing what local landscapes and seascapes sound like!

    (One hint -- if anyone is thinking about using a device like this in the Bodega Head area, I'd recommend using a wind screen.)
