Sunday, November 27, 2016

Help with a mystery object?

Okay, this one is a true mystery.  We found this object while walking Dillon Beach on 25 November 2016:

Our best guess right now is that it's the periostracum (outer covering) from a large bivalve.  (It measured ~6.5 cm long by ~5 cm wide.) 

However, the material and its transparency seem different than other bivalve coverings that we've seen, so we're open to any other thoughts or suggestions.  The inner surface appeared to have a chalky white residue (perhaps from the middle shell layer of a clam?).

And even if it is the outer covering of a clam, we are uncertain about which species it's from.

Here's another view, this time from the side:

Let me know if you have any ideas about its identity.  I'm still working on it, but it would great to solve this mystery!

ADDENDUM (28 November 2016): Several people have suggested this could be the operculum ("trap-door") of a large snail, e.g., a whelk.  That's a strong possibility, and at this time I think I'm leaning that way.

ADDENDUM (1 December 2016): For the identity of this mystery object, see the post on 28 November 2016.


  1. Looks like a bleached out Velella.,d.cGw&psig=AFQjCNEI5_-9rZ-MVfnqtM4DovfT9noI7g&ust=1480468551581166

    Fun stuff. John W

  2. Hi, John!

    Eric mentioned the similarity to Velella also, at least when the "mystery object" was dried out. See the next post from 28 November 2016 for the answer!

