Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pinks and purples in the low zone

Not sure exactly why, but I couldn't resist this view — moving water and reflected light with the pinks of the hydrocoral and the purples of the urchins.

Photographed in the low intertidal zone in northern Sonoma County on 24 February 2017.


  1. Hi Jackie,
    I just visited the Monet exhibit at the Palace of the Legion of Honor in SF yesterday and your photo is in the Monet style relative to his impressionist treatment of reflections and color! Beautiful Photo.
    Vi Strain

  2. Hi, Vi!

    Thanks! Fun that you see a similarity to Monet. I do, too!

    If you haven't seen it, here's an earlier photo from 2013 called "Impressionism in the sea":

    Thanks for writing!

