Sunday, May 28, 2017

Fins from the Inn

This afternoon I glanced out the window of the Yachats Inn and was surprised to see large fins breaking the surface of the water fairly close to shore.  We ran out the door and down to the shore to try to get a better look:

Orcas!  Although we've spent quite a bit of time in Yachats, Oregon, this is the first time we've seen Orcas here.  We watched them swim south past Yachats, and then decided to try to catch up with them further south.  

We stopped at Cooks Chasm, looked north, and saw them rounding the corner and headed our way.  And when they disappeared out of view, we drove south to Strawberry Hill.  After a short wait, the Orcas appeared again! 

There were at least five animals (including one small individual), possibly more.  Here's one of the better pictures I took:

Luck was on our side today — it's always worth a glance out the window!

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