Thursday, January 4, 2018

Sheltered from the storm

We got lucky tonight.  While driving home from work, we spotted this beautiful Barn Owl (Tyto alba) perched in a tree along the roadside.  Eric is always encouraging me to have my camera ready in case we see something interesting on the drive home.  But I'll admitI'm often lazy and I leave the camera in the back of the car with everything else where it's hard to reach.  This time I heeded his advice, and it was worth it!  :)

P.S.  We received ~0.4 inches of rain today.  Let's hope for more tonight!


  1. Jackie, thank you for this picture. I very much like barn owls. When we had one living in a palm tree near our house, I became a night owl myself, just to be able to watch it leave with a screech when hunting at night, and at times witness really impressive "mating flights". Currently, we don't have an owl nearby (unfortunately), but a chickadee that spends the nights perched under our roof. I have yet to adjust to its schedule - it's usually gone in the mornings, and back before I call it a day.

  2. Wonderful! Thank you. You live a charmed life.

  3. Hi, Doerte!

    Fun to hear about your connection with Barn Owls! In a similar way, I followed the comings and goings of an Eastern Screech Owl that slept in a backyard bird box during one winter (on Cape Cod).

    :) Jackie

  4. Hi, Faith!

    Well, I do try to be observant...and I think that's a big part of luck.

    I think this has come up before, but I've always liked this Yogi Berra quote:

    "You can observe a lot by just watching."

    I would guess that it's always true that the more you look, the more you see. So keep watching, everyone!

    :) Jackie

  5. Thank you Jackie for all your observations - day in, day out. Thank you.
