Monday, January 1, 2018

Sunset colors

I often exchange a sunset photo from the West Coast with my mom on New Year's Day (she sends a sunrise photo from the East Coast).  So, here's the sunset on 1 January 2018:

And just for fun, here's another sunset picture can you see me and the sunset reflected in this fish's eye?

Quite a fish!  I'd love some assistance with the identification if you recognize this species.

Both photos were taken in the intertidal zone near Fort Ross.


  1. Great color! My WAG says Rosy Sculpin, Oligocottus rubellio mostly because it's a sculpin, has red orange patches, single cirrus on nasal spine, pre-opercular spine points, dark saddles on back. If you look closely you can see the radiating black spokes around the eye. Intertidal to sub, "uncommon", up to 10 cm. Ft. Bragg to northern Baja. Ref: Eschmeyer, W.N., E.S. Herald and H. Hammann, 1983. A field guide to Pacific coast fishes of North America.

  2. Hi, KB! Thanks so much for working on this identification! I'm still trying, too. I wish identifying intertidal sculpins was easier...sigh.

    :) Jackie
