Thursday, August 23, 2018

2001: A Natural History Odyssey

It's hard for me to believe, but this is post #2001 on the Natural History of Bodega Head!  

Some of you might remember that I created a few mosaics for post #1000, so here's another for post #2001.  This photo is made up of a combination of many of the photos used previously in the Natural History of Bodega Head posts:

You can click on the image above for a slightly larger version.  But since the individual images are small, it's fun to look at an even larger version of this mosaic and to scan around to remember different pictures from the past.  To do that, you can either view the 2001 mosaic on Flickr and use the magnifier to look around...or, the best option is to download a full-sized version of the 2001 mosaic from Flickr (click on the download arrow at the lower right corner and choose "Original" size) and then zoom in to look at the pictures up close.

The past 6.5 years with the Natural History of Bodega Head have been quite an odyssey!  I'm so thankful for all of your support during this journey.  Maintaining this blog is more meaningful because of all of you.  I hope that it has opened your eyes to both familiar and new plants and animals, and that it has offered a celebration of the place where we live.  

With gratitude,



  1. Thank YOU!!! Beginning every day with one of your natural history gems keeps me sane and smiling!!

  2. I enjoy your blog very much. Thanks for sharing your observations, curiosity, and knowledge. It inspires me.

  3. Love your mosaic--it's very creative and fun! Thank you for ALL your photos and for all your work on this delightful blog.

  4. Jackie, We start our day with your blog and have learned so much about our west Sonoma County world through your lens. Thank you ever so much!
    Vi and Richard Strain

  5. I go to your blog every day. Each one of your posts enlightens me in some way. Even on days when there's no new post, looking back at previous posts is always enjoyable. Thank you so much for what you do!

  6. Many thanks for sharing an engrossing slice of your world with the rest of us, Jackie. A wonderful way for the perpetually curious to begin the day

  7. Hi, everyone!

    Thanks so much for your comments! Onward to the next 1000 posts!

    :) Jackie
