Saturday, August 18, 2018

Sleepy one

Eric and I noticed a very sleepy Barn Owl (Tyto alba) perched on a fence post along the side of the road this morning (18 August 2018).  It looked a little damp, too, so perhaps it had a long night of hunting in the fog?  (Eventually it found its way to a more sheltered roosting location.)


  1. Like John W. Wall who commented yesterday, I don't always comment because "wow!" is usually my first reaction when I see your posts, and it would seem so repetitive to make that same comment every day, lol.

    This little guy - I just can't... he's so, well, *cute!*

    We love barn owls. Especially the season when the nestlings are learning to fly. The sounds they make always make me think of the Nazgul in Tolkien's books. There used to be a tree at the end of our road that had a Barn owl nest every year, and every year we'd walk down near the nest after dark and revel in the sounds of those birds.

  2. Hi, Alice!

    Thank you! It seems appropriate to associate Barn Owls with Tolkien. They're so magical!

    Have you heard about the Tolkien exhibit in Oxford this year? Wish I could see it.

    :) Jackie

  3. Wow, that exhibit looks wonderful. Alas, though...

  4. I love this barn owl!!!!!!!!!!!!
