Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Meaningful moments

I've been thinking about how so many people in California are having such a hard time right now.  During difficult times in my life, I've often looked to nature.  Whether its for distraction, inspiration, perspective, or motivation, I hope that observing nature can help you through these challenging times.

Here are a few more of my favorite pictures of River Otters taken earlier this month.

Young otters waiting for mom to return:

Mom with the remains of a fish she caught after the young ones ate the rest:

Young otter resting:

With appreciation and gratitude, and the very best wishes from our hearts to yours on Thanksgiving. 


  1. I’m so grateful for your daily sharing of the wonders of the world around you. You have a gift for photography and for noticing what is special in the little things as well as the grand. Bless you for your gift of sharing.

  2. Thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken for us all year.
    I've especially enjoyed the otter pictures because I've forwarded them to my daughter who lives far away to remind her of her California roots and how much she loves Bodega Bay.

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  4. Jackie!
    Thanks for taking us with you as you live your "nature life"!
    You raise the "enjoyment level" of my day, every day! and I'm really grateful!
    As for your river otters...there is an organization that is tracking river otters in the north bay and my birding and kayaking groups are submitting our otter sightings to them. I bet they would really appreciate your information on otters!

  5. Hi, everyone!

    Thanks so much for your thoughts. It means a lot to know you're out there, reading and learning, discovering and sharing. Maintaining the NHBH wouldn't be the same without such a wonderful group of readers and observers and artists and folks who appreciate their surroundings.

    :) Jackie
