Monday, December 10, 2018

In the harbor

Brant (Branta bernicla), Bodega Harbor, 7 December 2018

P.S.  I first wrote about Brant ~5 years ago for more information about them (including an audio clip), see the post called "Do you like my necklace?" on 18 January 2013.


  1. When did they arrive? We were out there a couple of weeks ago and didn't see any, although of course it's possible we just weren't looking where they *were,* lol.

  2. Hi, Alice!

    Hmmm...not sure about the exact arrival date. We were doing a shorebird survey on November 30th and counted over 800 Brant in Bodega Harbor that day.

    The other day I noticed that some of the Brant have leg bands. So if you're looking through a flock, it might be worth keeping an eye out for bands.

    :) Jackie

  3. What a beautiful shot of a brant. I always love when they arrive.

