Saturday, April 13, 2019


I'm guessing someone out there can help with this identification.  We had to do field work farther north in Sonoma County today.  While walking along a trail, we passed a wet area with these beautiful purple (or dark blue?) flowers with prominent yellow anthers (holding pollen):

What do you think?  Is this Camas, also known as Quamash (Camassia quamash)?  I'd love to know for sure, but I don't have experience identifying this group.  Thanks for any feedback!

ADDENDUM (14 April 2019): Just a brief update David has confirmed this as Camassia quamash.  Thanks, David! 


  1. Beautiful, definitely looks like Camassia, probably quamash, although there's another larger leichtlinii, which has powdery leaves. I've never seen one here!

  2. I'm not a botanist, but this looks just like Camassia quamash, known as Common Camas or Small Camas, which is quite common in meadows here on the Olympic Peninsula.
