Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Scales, stones, and shadows

While up on the northern Sonoma Coast this past weekend, we were having a snack on some sunny rocks when we realized we weren't alone:

When Eric leaned over to greet this Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), he managed to get a wonderful close-up highlighting the scales:

What a nice home this lizard has!  We especially enjoyed some of the smooth curves and shadows on the rock faces:

And check out these patterns.  There's something interesting to see everywhere you look!

Many thanks to Eric for sharing his photos of the lizard and rock formations. 


  1. Love love love our western fence lizards! But even more cool than
    beautiful scales, is th last photo of the rock w/ all that crazy texture!
    thanks Jackie! Your fan, Alexandra in Sebastopol

  2. Hi, Alexandra!

    I know what you mean -- the rocks were spectacular!

    :) Jackie

  3. Stunning photos! Thank you for sharing them- made my day!
