Saturday, August 31, 2019

What fish?

We were exploring a rocky intertidal zone site near Carmel this morning when I looked down to see (or not see?) this sculpin with amazing camouflage colors.  It looked just like the surrounding pink crustose coralline algae and the green Aggregating Sea Anemones (Anthopleura elegantissima).

I tried to get a view from the side.  What beautiful fins!

Here's one even closer:


And you know me, I can't resist sculpin eyes:


  1. Jackie, are you submerging your camera to get these photos? Loving the clarity!

  2. Hi, John,

    Yes, these photos were taken under water with a waterproof point-and-shoot in macro mode. (And it helped that the water was very clear that day.) I can't remember if I've mentioned this before. It took me a while to be brave enough to submerge the camera, but now I wish I had started doing it sooner. It opens up so many more possibilities!

    :) Jackie
