Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A bit of a blur

Whoosh!  What happened to the last ten years?  It's a little hard to believe that it will be 2020 tomorrow. 

I started the Natural History of Bodega Head eight years ago now, which also makes me shake my head a bit.  Is that really possible?

You never know what each day will bring.  Best wishes for the year ahead!

Burrowing Owl at sunset, 30 December 2019  


  1. Best New Year wishes to you, too. I've only been following your blog for two years, but it has added immeasurably to my knowledge and life quality! Thank you.

  2. Thank you for your wonderful pictures, which always brighten my day. Do you sell any cards or prints using your photos? I would love to give them to friends in gift card sets.
    Best wishes for your new year and new decade, and for our gorgeous planet!

  3. Thank you for your posts and pictures. I love to start my morning seeing your photos and learning something new. Much appreciated! Happy New Year.

  4. Hi, all! Thanks so much for your thanks and wishes! It means a lot to me to hear from you and helps inspire me to keep going! (I haven't been selling cards or prints, but we'll see what happens in the future.)

    :) Jackie
