Saturday, February 22, 2020

Belly full

I went out to check on a few things late this afternoon (22 February 2020).  I didn't expect to be out long, so I didn't have a larger camera with me.  Luckily, I had a smaller point-and-shoot in my pocket, because I happened upon this wonderful River Otter (Lontra canadensis):

As you can see, the otter was feeding on a fairly large fish.  The fish was large enough that the otter was very focused on it and took a long time to finish it.  Then the otter slipped back into the water, dove and swirled around in a tidal channel, and emerged on a small rocky island to survey the scene:

I like this landscape shot of the otter in its home:

And here's one more that I couldn't resist sharing.  The view is distant and a little fuzzy, but check out the otter lying on its back with a belly full of fish.  Not such a bad way to end the day!

1 comment:

  1. Love how the sun is lighting up the otter in the landscape shot
