Monday, March 30, 2020

A clam, a sea squirt, and a snail

Well, I didn't get a chance to take any photos today, so I browsed through photos from the last month or so (from various locations) and picked a few that caught my eye.  I hope they brighten your day!

Juvenile Pacific Razor Clam (Siliqua patula)

A golden colonial tunicate (sea squirt), Pycnoclavella stanleyi 

Red Turban Snail (Pomaulax gibberosus) with coralline algae

P.S.  What did the clam say when the sea squirt and the snail walked into the bar?  "Sorry, I'm just about to close up for the night."  :)


  1. And what did the snail say when the sea squirt and the clam walked into the bar?
    we’ve got slime trail ale on tap!

  2. And what did the sea squirt say when the clam and snail walked into the bar?
    "We've got a new special on tap from Deschutes Brewery. It's called Ascidian Stout."

  3. Great to see a razor clam. They were quite present up through 2015 and I have not seen much evidence of them since. Any thoughts you have regarding their disappearance? I spoke with the invertebrate biologist at CA F & W two years ago and her thoughts were warming waters were responsible. Prior to their disappeance I sent viscera to the Public Health lab on a regular basis for Domoic Acid testing. At that time levels were always below safety threshold levels.

    I still love your blog, but have fallen behind recently.
