Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Emperor

We had to make a run down to the post office today, and since word had been passed along that an Emperor Goose (Anser canagicus) had been spotted on the offshore rocks just off the Bodega Head parking lot, we swung by to take a quick look.  Luckily, it was still there!

Emperor Geese are more often associated with arctic and sub-arctic Alaska (and Russia).  It sounds like there are four prior records in Sonoma County (in 1978, 1994-1995, 1996-1997, and 2001).

Here are a few photos from different perspectives.


Watching the waves:

With Black Oystercatchers: 

Searching for food and eating some green algae:

Profile view:

Many thanks to Scott for spotting this goose and to Dea for passing along the sighting. 

P.S.  I was curious about the species name.  Apparently "canagicus" refers to the island of Kanaga or Kyktak (in the Aleutian Islands).


  1. Wow...a very handsome bird...looking a little lonely

  2. Thanks so much for these wonderful photos!

    Jeff and I saw the Emperor goose that was hanging out in Sonoma County in 2001. He was in a field just off Salmon Creek Rd about a mile or two from the town of Bodega. As all celebrities do, he had quite a crowd gathered to admire him.

  3. You are a national treasure in these times

  4. Hi, all,

    Thanks so much for writing. I'm doing my best! Luckily, making natural history observations is perhaps a bit like meditating for me. Or, at least it makes it possible to "dive in" or to be transported and to think about something other than some of the world's worries for a little while. Nature is good for the soul, yes? I'm glad the Internet provides a space for sharing, especially during times like this.

    :) Jackie
