Monday, June 1, 2020

A family visit

This morning we noticed the flash of a medium-sized bird flying into the plum tree in our backyard, but then we didn't see additional movement after that.  Curious, Eric picked up the binoculars and looked around.  Here's what he saw hiding among the leaves:

Hmmm...can you tell which species this is?

Here's another view when it flew out into the open:

A hint: We've been seeing the adults of this species in our yard recently, so I've posted photos of an adult female and adult male during the past 12 days.

Perhaps a view from the side will help:

Although paler than the adults, and the bill is shorter in comparison (as well as being pink and gray, rather than black with a blue highlight), perhaps you've guessed that this is a juvenile Hooded Oriole (Icterus cucullatus)?

We think there were two or three juveniles spending time in our yard this morning.  They seemed quite interested in the flowers of a Pineapple Guava tree.  At one point, I noticed one of the juveniles actively begging from the female:

Another bird family to add to our yard list this year!

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