Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Blues off Bodega Head

Wonderful views of the Pacific Ocean today (24 June 2020), with Blue Whales as a bonus!  Tall spouts were visible approximately 1.5-3 miles (2.5-5.0 km) offshore of Bodega Head.  They were far enough out that it was hard to tell which species of whale was involved, but I took some photos with a zoom lens, and most of the images showed Blue Whales.  The photos aren't great, but they're representative of what you might see with binoculars:

The Pacific:

Examples of tall spouts:

Examples of long gray backs and small (often pointed) dorsal fins:

Example of flukes: 

 It's always a treat to see Blue Whales, especially from shore!


  1. Hi Jackie,

    My wife and I were out at Bodega Head on 24 June 2020 too.
    I estimated 10-15 Blue Whales spouting. Mostly from Bodega Head
    South into the Salmon fleet.
    A fun afternoon for sure with nice warm weather.

    Dave Barry

  2. Hi, Dave!

    Glad that you got to see these whales, too. It was a beautiful afternoon. We estimated something like 8-10 in view at once, but it was hard to track individuals.

    Thanks for writing!

