Friday, June 26, 2020

No octopus here

Okay, there's more to yesterday's octopus story.  After Eric spotted the first octopus, a few minutes later I looked down and noticed a second one!  The first octopus was fairly large for a Red Octopus, but the second one was quite small only ~2.5 cm across (with its arms pulled in).

Spread out on a cobble:

Among shells and stones:

Pretending to be a snail.  The octopus tucked in its arms, then crawled (slowly) across the rock, as if to say, "Nothing to see here...only a snail gliding octopus in sight.  (Wink!)"



  1. So absolutely fascinating! Thank you for sharing.
    Your post also reminded me of a great story about a deep-sea octopus I heard on the Radiolab podcast a few weeks ago, based on accounts from researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. It is very entertaining and really worth listening to:

  2. Hi, Doerte!

    Thanks very much for the recommendation. I look forward to listening to that episode!

    :) Jackie
