Tuesday, December 22, 2020

A dip in the creek?


I'll reveal more of the story soon, but I couldn't help sharing this photo of an American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) from Lagunitas Creek today (22 December 2020).  A fun birthday gift!  :)


  1. Happy Birthday! The Dipper is a great birthday gift.

  2. Lovely! Happy burthday!

  3. Thank you! Thank you!

    I had a "stream and strand" birthday -- walks along the creek and then by the ocean. A beautiful day!

    :) Jackie

  4. Because I haven't seen one here, I didn't know we had them in Sonoma County. They're one of my favorite birds! When I lived on the bank of Bishop Creek (Owens Valley, eastern high Sierra) there was a dipper who lived under the bridge crossing the creek just a few yards upstream from my house. It was endlessly entertaining to watch it!

    Happy birthday and also happy bird-day!

  5. Hi, Alice!

    Thanks! This dipper was photographed in Marin County. I haven't seen a dipper in Sonoma County yet, but although uncommon they are known to occur along some streams, e.g., Big Austin Creek.

    :) Jackie

  6. Beautiful picture -- and Happy Birthday! I shot some video of a dipper at the Ink Wells a pretty long time ago: https://vimeo.com/36056337

  7. Hi, John! Nice video! So amazing to see the dipper handle those powerful surges of water. We were impressed to see it standing in pretty swift running water without any issues at all...I started imagining suction cups on the bottom of its feet!

    :) Jackie
