Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Chance of rainbows?


Tonight I started wondering, "What if weather forecasts included the chance of rainbows (like a chance of showers)?"  Or maybe it's just more fun to be watching the sky and trying to predict whether the conditions are right for a rainbow to appear?  There sure were some beauties today (3 February 2021)!

 I photographed this one on the way home from work late in the day.




  1. Vi and Richard StrainFebruary 4, 2021 at 8:01 AM

    Love your sense of humor and thinking. We have subscribed to your wonderful posts for a few years now and enjoy them each day. We have learned about the abundance of our area through your posts. Thank you and know we appreciate you each day!
    Vi and Richard Strain

  2. Thank you, Vi and Richard! So glad to be bringing more awareness and more curiosity and more smiles!

    :) Jackie

    P.S. I was listening to KQED's Forum a couple of days ago. It included a discussion about this book -- Humor, Seriously: Why Humor is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life (And How Anyone Can Harness It. Even You. I really liked the conversation and it made me think a lot about how helpful humor can be. :)
