Thursday, May 6, 2021



We were leaving for work this morning when Eric spotted this interesting fly on the door to our house.

It looks like it's probably a type of hover fly (Syrphidae), but I'm not sure which species.

The large red eyes were striking!

 Here's another view in case someone can help with an identification:
P.S.  Can you hear the excuse now?  "Really...I was late to work today because of a fly."  Do you think that would fly?  ;) 


  1. Really nice photos of this fly! I think it might be Lapposyrphus lapponicus. I used this guide ( and BugGuide to help with the ID.

  2. I'm not an entomologist, but in my insect book it looks like a Pied Hover Fly (Scaeva pyrastri). Beautiful photos!!

  3. It would fly with people who know you!

  4. Thanks, all!

    I was starting to look at flies in the genera Lapposyrphus and Eupeodes. And via e-mail I also heard another vote for Scaeva pyrastri. It appears that in this part of the world, what used to be known as Scaeva pyrastri is now called Scaeva affinis? That looks like a pretty good match!

    :) Jackie
