Thursday, December 9, 2021

A festive evening?


Not much time tonight, but here are a couple of quick shots of Tritonia festiva, a nudibranch we haven't seen that often in Sonoma County.  

Eric got a better view of the dorsal surface with the nice diamond-back pattern:

This one was photographed in the low intertidal zone along the Sonoma Coast on 5 December 2021.  I wrote more about Tritonia festiva back in 2012, so for more photos and information check out the post called "Cape Mendocino and Tritonia" from 10 May 2012.


  1. Hello Jackie, I was wondering about size of the Tritonia festiva and a brief online search mentioned size, "up tp 35mm". Is that consistent with the ones y'all have discovered
    at different times?

  2. Hi, Vishnu!

    Yes, I'd estimate the Tritonia in these photos was ~20-25 mm long. And many of the others we've seen have been similar in size.

