Monday, December 6, 2021

Looking out and looking in?

Wow!  Sometimes it's hard to believe the colors and patterning on our local intertidal fish.  Although the markings on the head and around the eye really draw you in, don't miss the beautiful fin!  Photographed by Eric this weekend in a low zone tidepool.  The fish (a sculpin?) was just emerging from below a rock ledge.
Here's a close-up so you can check out the patterning, including that wonderful eye!
Stay tuned for more photos from our recent low tide adventures!


  1. There's no end to the beauty of the natural world of our coastline. The colorful patterns of this intertidal fish are stunning. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. So beautiful! My guess: Artedius harringtoni (Scalyhead Sculpin)? Thank you for all your fabulous posts and photos!
