Thursday, September 8, 2022

To catch a shadow


I made a quick stop this morning (8 September 2022) when I noticed two Peregrine Falcons on the top of sea stack off Highway 1 near Gleason Beach.

When one of them dove, I tried to get a photo of the falcon in a stoop.  I was so focused on the bird, that I missed the shadow entirely until I downloaded the photos after dinner.  Pretty cool!



  1. Very cool….In the PF foto I like the repeat of the orange…bird and rocks….”Nice planning!!!!”

  2. Wow! This made my day and I haven't even finished my coffee yet!

  3. Thanks, everyone!

    I, too, like the combination of the colors of the falcon's breast/belly feathers with the lichens on the rocks. She has a wonderful place to perch!

    :) Jackie

  4. Great post-click catch! So much to see when we're looking elsewhere! :)
