Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Front and back


Two Bald Eagles perched in a cypress tree near the Bodega Bay post office today (29 November 2022).

The eagle on the left was often looking out at the harbor, and in this position its white head feathers were splayed out in the back:



  1. Great shot. Do you think they are local residents or passing through?

  2. Hi, Bill!

    Good question. There have been two eagles frequenting the shoreline of Bodega Harbor since the spring, but they're not here all of the time. I'm guessing they might be coming from other sites, like the Russian River or Tomales Bay, but the only way to know for sure would be to figure out some identifying characteristic and compare observations of individuals from multiple locations. Eagle sightings have been more common in Bodega Harbor during the past year than any other year I can recall. Some of the raptor folks might have more info about eagle activity in the area, so I'll watch for updates.

