Monday, February 20, 2023

Golden-fronted and golden-bellied

I encountered a small flock of Bushtits (Psaltriparus minimus) in a willow thicket in the late afternoon today (20 February 2023).  They were so covered in pollen that at first glance I thought they might be warblers!
Here's another individual:
And the Bushtits weren't the only ones here's a Chestnut-backed Chickadee (Poecile rufescens) dusted with so much pollen that its belly is golden:


  1. Oh my, that must have been a sight to see as well as a lot of noise to hear! There's nothing like hearing a flock of bushtits having at it in a tree; it always makes me happy.

  2. Good morning, Alice!

    Seeing and hearing Bushtits makes me happy, too. As you know, they are usually very much on the move, soon taking off for the next shrub. But they must have been quite interested in these willow flowers, so they stayed around a bit longer, making it a little easier to snap a photo.

    :) Jackie
