Sunday, July 30, 2023

Bee careful

Well, this is a lesson in being careful and taking the time to look closely.  Recently I have been noticing these small bees zipping around visiting Seaside Daisies.  As you can see, they stand out because of the large loads of bright yellow pollen on their hind legs.  

Years ago I observed some bees with "pollen-covered chaps" (Melissodes pallidisignata, see the post from 31 July 2013) and I had been assuming the bees I've been seeing recently were that species.  However, when downloading my photos today I realized this looked like a different species.

Here's another view:

I'm not that experienced with identifying bees, but I'm wondering if this is Anthophora urbana?  If anyone out there can assist with the identification, I'd appreciate any help.
Interestingly, if it is Anthophora urbana, it is abundant on Bodega Head this year and I'm not sure if I've just missed it in the past (didn't look closely enough) or if it's more common this year than in years past?

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