Sunday, February 25, 2024

Rosemary for breakfast?


While doing some errands in Sebastopol this morning, I noticed some movement in a rosemary bush at the edge of a parking lot.  Turned out to be a small flock of Lesser Goldfinches (Spinus psaltria) along with a few Pine Siskins (Spinus pinus).  They appeared to be eating the rosemary flowers.  

Siskins are often perched up high in trees, so it was fun to see them below eye level.  Above, two Pine Siskins.  (Note the nice yellow feather edges.)

Below, a bright male Lesser Goldfinch.



  1. Great photos.I love the bright yellow goldfinch. Welcome to Sebastopol, my home town.

  2. I love your photos and look forward to seeing them every much variety of local wildlife, many of which I've never heard of/seen before. I appreciate being enlightened every day!
    These two are beautiful!
    Thank you so much!
