Sunday, March 10, 2024

Up at the rim


Yesterday the juvenile Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna) were nestled down low in the nest, but today (10 March 2024) they were up at the rim, moving around, preening, and trying out their wings, so here are a few more photos to document their progress.

It's becoming harder for the two of them to fit in the nest together:

A view of their surroundings:
Mom hovering while feeding them:

Their juvenile feathers are coming in:
Looks like we're going to have nice weather this week, so it seems like they'll have a good chance of growing up and perhaps departing the nest before too long.


  1. Once again, you've given us such a gift.
    Jackie, YOU are a gift, and I hope you continue to find the time to photograph, post and write all the wonder of the world you behold.

  2. :) Thank you so much for these kind words. I know different people check the NHBH blog for different reasons, and I'm always happy to hear when someone has connected with a photo or a story.

    One of the fascinating things to me about natural history is how it can be meaningful and inspiring in so many different ways.

    I'm grateful for the feedback!

    :) Jackie
