Sunday, July 14, 2024

Blending in


Well, I need to take a better photo, but here's a quick one for the record.  This looks like Corambe pacifica, a nudibranch I haven't photographed yet.  It was on a bryozoan colony on a piece of drift kelp.

Along with Corambe steinbergae, this species is a bryozoan specialist. Its coloration and patterning looks just like the bryozoan prey.

For an introduction to these intriguing nudibranchs, see "Ay, Corambe!" on 20 September 2013 and "A story with a point" on 17 August 2014 (this one includes a link to a great video!).

1 comment:

  1. Wow, eagle eyes! If not for the rhinophores I'd never have found it, even knowing it was there.
