Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Summer gold


Close-up of Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) in Bodega Harbor on 29 June 2024.


  1. How beautiful! It looks like a Japanese art print.

  2. Had this washed in from the ocean or can the Giant Kelp actually grow in the harbor?

  3. Why can't I be these colors?
    Any sugestions for how to become Giant Kelp/Ocean colored?

  4. Hi, all,

    Thanks for the comments and questions!

    You can find Giant Kelp washed ashore in this area, but this Giant Kelp was growing in Bodega Harbor. It also grows in Tomales Bay.

    And I agree about the color -- the photo doesn't really do it justice, but I'm often struck by how it looks like Macrocystis is glowing from within. It's a striking seaweed, for many reasons!

    :) Jackie
