Sunday, October 24, 2021

Molten wool?


There have been some interesting foam patterns in the churned up ocean recently.  These made me think of molten lava and wool at the same time.  Strange!  The parallel contours also brought topographic lines to mind.  (You can click on the images for larger versions.)


P.S. Looks like ~4 inches of rain in Bodega Bay so far (during the last 24 hours).

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a desolate desert landscape with active tectonics to create all those ridges.

    Molten lava also comes to mind, but it would be very old lava, because otherwise it would probably be dark black!

    Wool is an interesting thought. How many sheep did it take?? How many sweaters will it yield?

    No matter what, an interesting place to be in. Doerte
