Monday, October 25, 2021



The buoy offshore of Point Reyes reported wave heights between 20-30 feet for most of the last 24 hours.  These photos were taken from Bodega Head this morning (25 October 2021).

As always, it's hard to judge the wave heights in photos without anything for scale.  Below, the Brown Pelicans help provide some perspective.  [Brown Pelicans have a wingspan of ~6.5 feet.]

Sometimes it's nice to see the backs of the waves as they roll by:



  1. The shot with the pelicans is fantastic!

  2. What wonderful photos! It looks like the pelicans were enjoying themselves, too.
    Thank you,Jackie.

  3. Thanks so much for the comments! Taking wave photos is challenging -- hard to know what the waves are going to do, and what the birds are going to do -- but it's fun when something turns out interesting!

    :) Jackie

  4. These wave photos are fantastic! They really give us a sense of how dramatic and dynamic are the forces at play. Do you have a drone to have captured the waves from the back/side?

    We wonder if the pelicans expect to find more food in the churned up waves!

    Thanks again, Jackie, for your blog!
