Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The phalarope and the squall


The recent storms have blown some Red Phalaropes (Phalaropus fulicarius) close to shore.  I noticed a least a handful along the Bodega Harbor shoreline today (10 January 2023).

Here's another shot from the outer coast.  I was trying to photograph the waves and the sky, but it looks like there are two phalaropes in the photo, flying across the wave splash.  [You can click on the image for a sharper version.]


ADDENDUM (11 January 2023)
: Just for fun, I followed up on Peter's comment re: black-and-white photography and converted the phalarope image above to black and white:


  1. Jackie, that's a beautiful photo of the phalarope and the water ripples. I have always been a fan of black and white photography, and this is a perfect example, even if you were taking a color photo.

  2. Hi, Peter!

    Thanks! And see the addendum today -- I converted the photo to black and white just to see how it would compare. Pretty similar!

    :) Jackie
