Wednesday, December 5, 2018

"Living Coral"

In-tro-du-cing...the 2019 Pantone Color of the Year..."Living Coral"!  

The first local species we thought of when we saw that Living Coral was named color of the year was this distinctive sponge found in the low rocky intertidal zone:

There are lots of animals in this picture, but notice the patch of pink sponge in the lower left corner. (I'm not a sponge expert, but I think this is Aplysilla glacialis.)  What do you think?  Is the color a pretty good match for Living Coral?  See more on Pantone's web site about the 2019 Color of the Year.

It'll be fun to keep an eye out for this color next year.

P.S.  Maybe some coral reef biologists will be able to add to the list of species that highlight this vibrant color!

P.P.S.  Long-time readers of the NHBH will recall past posts with Pantone colors of the year, e.g., Ultra Violet 2018Greenery in 2017, Rose Quartz and Serenity in 2016, and Marsala in 2015.