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Monday, October 21, 2013

Eating breakfast

A long day at work today, but while I was eating breakfast this morning I noticed this bird outside my window:

I'm always excited to see Brown Creepers (Certhia americana).  I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching them.

Here's another view when the creeper was crouched low against the redwood bark, searching for invertebrate prey.  (It was eating breakfast, too!)

To see a few more pictures and to learn more about creepers, review the post from last fall.


Alice Chan said...

I'm always really happy to see other people get as excited about Brown Creepers as I do. We had a pair in our garden all nesting season, which was a pure delight.

Alice Chan said...

I just saw a Brown Creeper taking a lengthy bath in the shallow end of our pond - slightly south-east of Sebastopol. Quite lovely!