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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Warm enough


It didn't necessarily feel unusually warm at the coast today, but as I was doing some monitoring work a couple of butterflies flew by me.  This Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia) landed nearby, so I took a quick photo.  There were also quite a few bees and flies out and about, so later I checked the air temperature record.  It reached about 63°F (17°C) this afternoon.  Warm enough!


Alice Chan said...

I love your photo of this really cheering butterfly! We used to have Buckeyes in our garden, but it's been at least a decade since I've seen one, and I miss them.

Sue Johnson said...

This Buckeye is wearing jewels!
So beautiful!


Jackie Sones said...

Thanks, Alice and Sue! Buckeyes are one of my favorite local butterflies -- I love the color patterns within the spots on the wings! :)

Buckeye numbers seem to fluctuate from year to year. I haven't seen as many this year, so I was also cheered to see this individual yesterday.

:) Jackie