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Monday, November 25, 2019

The cave-dweller and the king

The light was getting dim, but it was fun to see this wren and kinglet up close while walking near the Russian River yesterday (25 November 2019).  Both were feeding on the ground, loosely associated with a small flock of sparrows:

Pacific Wren (Troglodytes pacificus)

Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula)

P.S.  "Trogolodytes" means cave-dweller and "Regulus" refers to a king.


Alice Chan said...

How interesting! I can't recall ever having seen a kinglet on the ground before.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed seeing these pictures Jackie.
This last weekend, I saw a Kinglet and a Townsends warbler rooting around in a patch of ivy in my backyard. I haven't seen either one for quite some time, so this was pretty exciting.
