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Saturday, April 9, 2022

Feeling the heat


Air temperatures were far above average on 7 April 2022.  There were insects everywhere on Bodega Head that day.  I'm not sure which species of grasshopper this is, but they kept flying up from the coastal prairie.

P.S.  As for the temperature I'm a little confused because I've checked several weather stations in Bodega Bay and have seen different readings for the maximum air temperature on 7 April 2022.  I'm guessing it was somewhere in the 74-75°F (23-24°C) range.  It's rare for air temperatures to reach over 70°F in Bodega Bay for a general review, see the post called "Pretty cool (or not)" on 15 July 2019.


David A Hofmann said...

Jackie, there are three species of Banded-wing Grasshoppers in Sonoma County.
Aphia behrensi California Sulphur-winged Grasshopper
Dissossteira pictipennis California Rose-winged Grasshopper
Trimerotropis pallidipennis Pallid-winged Grasshopper

Maybe you saw the color when they flew, and can name them based on color.

Jackie Sones said...

Hi, David! Great to hear from you! And thanks for the hints. When the grasshoppers flew, the hind wings looked pale yellow with a dark band along the trailing edge. Of the three you mentioned, it looked most similar to a California Sulphur-winged Grasshopper (Arphia behrensi).
