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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Setting crescent


 It was little too dark, but I decided to try anyway...and the photo turned out somewhat interesting.  I like how it looks like a painting!  Crescent moon before it disappears behind low clouds over the ocean on 10 February 2024.


Sybold said...

New Moon (a Supermoon) & the start of Lunar New Year on 2/9/24, and a very cool image on 2/10!
Thank you, as always-

Jackie Sones said...

Yes! Happy Year of the Dragon!

:) Jackie

Lotsoflux said...

She met their challenge - and here's the proof.

On 2/10/24 the Morrison Planetarium's daily "SKY WATCH" report stated:
"Skywatcher's Challenge: Just after sunset, the razor-thin, day old crescent Moon and the planet Saturn are separated by only 2 degrees, very low in the west. They'll be tricky to spot, even with binoculars as they sink into the horizon."

Jackie, I suspected, when I first saw your photo, that that golden pinprick, just to the right and above the Moon, was probably Saturn but I wasn't able to confirm it until now. Congratulations!
Also, where I live the western hills block the first 10 degrees above the horizon, so I never have a view of the actual, first day, 'new moon'. Your photo shows the thinnest crescent I've ever seen.
Clear Skies ~ Vishnu

Jackie Sones said...

Yes! I thought that was probably Saturn, but I hadn't had a chance to confirm it, so I didn't want to say so without knowing for sure.

The colors in the sky were much more interesting than I captured with the camera, but I was glad something came out that I could share.

I also like how the light in the crescent has some sunset colors in it!

Thanks for sharing!

:) Jackie