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Friday, May 24, 2024



We got lucky with another sighting of a River Otter (Lontra canadensis) at a different field site today (24 May 2024), and this one was a little closer, so here are a couple of quick photos.  

We were leaving a survey site and this otter appeared just behind us.  Luckily, Eric had the point-and-shoot camera in his pocket, so he snapped a photo of the otter as it moved across the rocks towards the water.  (These images were heavily cropped.)

In almost no time (less than a minute), the otter was up on the surfgrass (Phyllospadix scouleri) with a fish.  Although I shouldn't be surprised anymore, it's hard not to be amazed at how fast they can find and catch a fish!


1 comment:

Sybold said...

And the thing that amazes me is how much fun they look like they're having, in almost everything they do.
If we could move like this, I suspect we'd find everything a bit more fun as well.