If you're interested in using any of these photographs in any way, please contact me. Send an e-mail to naturalhistoryphotos(at)gmail.com. Thanks!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Golden eggs and purple pores


Sometimes when we're doing surveys, Eric has the camera while I'm writing field notes.  So when I download the photos later, they mostly show the species we're monitoring, but every now and then Eric sneaks in a different photo (and doesn't tell me)...so it's a surprise!

Here's a fun one -- a cluster of golden fish eggs on the left side, and a pretty purple sponge with prominent excurrent pores on the right side (the excurrent pores are the large diameter holes where water is pushed out after being filtered for food).

Thanks for the colorful photo, Eric! 

Photographed in the rocky intertidal zone in northern Sonoma County on 26 May 2024.


Alice Chan said...

Oh wow!
Tell Eric thank you from us!!

Manne said...

Another”WOW”…..thank you, Eric.

Leora Feeney said...

Indeed, thank you, Eric, for this delightful unexpected image of lovely shapes and color. And thank you, Jackie, for posting it. These quick visits to the shore in the morning make my day!
