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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Looking out from the nest


Some of you might recall when we followed a couple of Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna) nests last winter.  Well, we've been checking the same area during the last few weeks and tonight (13 March 2025) we spotted a female incubating in the exact same spot as the first nest last year!

The timing is later than last year, but we'll check on her every now and then to see what happens.

Last year's nest had lost a lot of material during the past year and it was barely visible.  But recently I noticed the nest cup was being built up and renovated with more mosses and lichens, so it was clear a hummingbird had decided to use the site again.

Here's another view from a different angle:

We'll keep our eyes open for any signs of chicks!

P.S.  You have probably noticed that I'm not posting as often right now.  A few things have come up that make posting a little more challenging, so I'm just including a reminder that you can sign up to receive e-mails when a new post is available (so you don't have to keep checking the website).  No pressure at all, but if you'd like to receive NHBH e-mails, just go directly to the NHBH website here, scroll down to the very bottom of the page, and then enter your address to subscribe.

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